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Web Developers

Web Developers and Internet Marketing since 2008.

"A Web Design company with talent, responsiveness, professionalism, and CARING!"

Barbara Veit, MS

Board Member, Truth Pharm

The Internet – Web Developers

Web Developers have been the backbone of the internet. Notably, they continue to build websites to deliver content from earlier until now. Think about it, have you ever wondered how these websites work or how a website is made? Generally, qualified and professional web developers ensure that a website is constructed correctly in a few hours or by a team of developers who follow the web development process. There are numerous technologies web developers use, such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), HTML, PHP, and the list goes on.

Following are some larger websites that various internet companies have created to attract more visitors than the typical website:

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Web DevelopersThis website hit the world wide web on February 14, 2005, and was founded by Chad Churley, Jawed Karim, and Steve Chen. At the time, the founders were working for PayPal.





Web DevelopersFacebook is a social media platform we love or hate. Most of us have been exposed to this, and for a good reason, it allows us to connect with people. If you didn’t already know, the founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg. Subsequently, Facebook was launched on February 4 when he was only 19. Notably, he was a Harvard sophomore when he found.



YouTube & Facebook

The founders of Facebook and YouTube are somewhat profound web developers as they’ve changed the world regarding interaction and pushing content into the realms of the web. When you consider the most incredible web developers, it’s always going to change as there’s always going to be a new hot website that could outdo YouTube or Facebook. After all, you can upload videos and share ideas with people worldwide. It’s always interesting how the world would be if these websites didn’t exist.


Web DevelopersAnother great website is the renowned Twitter. Subsequently, it is different than the likes of Facebook. Twitter and Facebook. You can follow your favorite celebrities and favorite people and know what they are up to on Twitter. Twitter was created by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone and was first on the web on March 21, 2006. The Twitter platform is essentially a news and social network site limiting how much you can say. Twitter is another example of how web developers can be so successful in the web world and are setting benchmarks for the future of web development.


Web DevelopersGoogle is the most helpful site, and for a perfect reason. This platform was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, that worked on what is now called Google in their dorms. The engine was initially called Backrub, and imagine if that name took on, and we had to type in our search bar Backrub, and the Google Chrome would be Back Chrome. Google is used for everything and has every answer. All we must do is search for it. Even website questions 🙂 They have more than 85,000 employees worldwide and products all around the world.




Web DevelopersWikipedia is probably the most popular place people go when they want to learn something. This platform was first launched on January 1, 2001, by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. The website has over 40 million articles in more than 250 languages which is crazy. Everybody has heard of Wikipedia and probably saved a lot of hours in knowing about virtually anything. There are a lot of websites like Wikipedia, but Wikipedia is the most popular.


The Future of the Internet

The future of the internet lies in the hands of future web developers. Front-end web developers, back-end, or full-stack website developers all play a crucial role in enhancing the internet (Learn more about front-end vs. back-end website development). The biggest question is, what will the following big website be? One will never know. Who will be the next most outstanding web developer or entrepreneur with that perfect idea? Only time will tell.

Subsequently, that comes next to who is the most outstanding web developer. After googling for this, finding one prominent web developer who stood out from the crowd was challenging. So after pondering what makes a great web developer? And what makes their style or website so different from the rest? Well, it’s like anything else. If you deliver something different and meet the demand, you are more likely to compete with existing players in that marketplace.

After all, you must be able to adapt to the changes. If you want to be at the top, you must continually be changing, and maybe this is one reason there are no single “Greatest Web Developers.”


Delivering Effective Web Design & Online Marketing Services

Local Web Design Services for Small Businesses

You've come to the right place if you're looking for web design, website development, a new website, or a need to revamp an existing small business website. We understand business owners, and the website benefits your business needs. Besides, we know that being a website owner. You will want to see immediate results.

Furthermore, we can help your website reach an international, national, or local customer base. Besides, we know how to get your customers to you. After all, small business website development and SEO know-how are our specialties!

Our customers continually praise our web design services. Check our reviews!

We Deliver Effective Web & SEO Services

Our website developers specialize in delivering the best websites and nothing more. Developers and marketers who hold qualifications and experience allow us to provide clear and concise solutions significantly. Whether a simple website or complex or built on PHP or ASP, we will always keep you in the loop during web development.

Visualwebz LLC is the ideal firm to hire for your next project. Immediately after the launch of your website, we will work with you to improve your online presence. For example, our SEO specialists will help drive traffic to your website with this in mind. We will also ensure your web security. Remember, you must protect your website from hackers. Similarly, other website design services include website maintenance, support, and testing.

Are you interested in our services? Do you have questions about our SEO Company, our expertise, or our web design costs? Then contact us today at (425)-336-0069. You may also want to check our reviews and learn why our customers like us! After all, our 5-star reviews tell prospective customers why we stand out regarding service, punctuality, quality, and affordability.



Web Design & SEO Services for Small Businesses

At Visualwebz, we provide a range of WordPress (WP) web design, website development, and web marketing services to a diverse group of small businessesWe will deliver WordPress website design for large companies, SEO for startups, or an e-commerce website for a brick-and-mortar small business. Our web developers have a strong understanding of small businesses. Furthermore, we encourage you to read Visualwebz reviews and see why our customers are happy with our work and outcomes.


Healthcare Web Design Services

We offer a range of medical web design services for the healthcare industry. Our medical website solutions branch out to all areas of the healthcare field. Dental web designers' effective dental web design services serve Dentists, Dental Clinics, specialized  Dental Practices, Orthodontists, Dentistry, and Dental Practices. For example, Bothell Dental Care is one client for whom we have helped the site gain an online presence.

Hire the best medical website developers for your healthcare website, dentist, or walk-in clinic. We don't end there with our website services but branch to other healthcare services like Doctors, specialist Doctors, Medical Services, Psychologists, Plastic Surgeries, ChiropractorsPsychiatristsVeterinary practices, and other healthcare-related practices. Connect with one of our web designers today.




Services Sector

Professional web solutions for the services sector

Our website builder and SEO services assist all types of businesses. Some of these include:



Web Design & SEO for Professionals






Web services for other industries

Website design services that benefit nonprofits, such as religious centers and churches, have always been part of our portfolio. For example, we manage the local Seattle Christianity website. Another example is redesigning a Seattle-based nonprofit, website. Other nonprofits we are working with include

We give back!

As part of giving back, we help nonprofits. We don't profit from any nonprofit website design or SEO services provided to nonprofits. If you have a great cause for which you are working, let us help your nonprofit. We may even do it for free! Be it in Federal Way, Bellevue, or New York. We can help you get results. We can fix a broken website and get your charitable cause or church back on track.

Regarding web design and online marketing, we serve other industries such as Home Owner's Associations websites, Government Agencies, and political parties.


Professional Web Developers

Local & Professional Web Developers and Online Marketing since 2008.

Seattle Web Design Agency