Monochromatic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme. Why A Monochromatic Color Scheme For A Website? The importance of monochromatic design style in web design is that it provides a unique structure of one color, and its variations of shades create consistency of...
Retro Web Design Retro Web Design: A Blast to The Past Many of our favorite websites’ looks and feels have changed. Their functionality has adapted to the internet’s growing media formats and features. To truly appreciate how far website designs have come,...
Diversity in Web Design A Guide to Diversity in Web Design What is diversity in web design?Web design is planning, arranging, and creating content for a website. Diversity includes people from different abilities, racial backgrounds, genders, ages, classes, etc.The...
Fluid/Organic Web Design and Elements Why Fluid/Organic Design and Elements are Important. What Fluid/Organic Design and Elements Look LikeFluid/Organic Design and web design elements are recent design trends in website development. It utilizes rounder shapes and more...
Rounded CornersRounded Corners play a crucial role alongside typography and fluid designs, and benefits are paramount when incorporated on web pages. Creating a website with a user-friendly interface is complex. It can be complicated knowing where to start. Hence,...